For Retirement

Specialists for your retirement financial plans

It is our experience that most people arrive at retirement, they do not plan for it. This is a great shame.


With some careful prescient planning undertaken early enough, we can help you to make this an enjoyable and prosperous chapter in your life, allowing you to focus on the things that really matter to you.


We’ll help you to ensure you can thrive in retirement, rather than just survive.


We’ll also ensure you can plan realistically, considering those things that you always promised yourself, safeguarding a healthy balance between your short-term wishes and your long term goals.


Using specially selected tools, we’ll help to stress-test your retirement before you commit yourself, ensuring you know when you can sensibly retire and what your likely resources are going to be at that time.


This will build reassurance and confidence in your financial plan, knowing that if your circumstances go in a different direction to that intended, you have the flexibly to adjust to the changes you need to make.

Client story…

Retiring Couple…


Working extremely hard in their own successful business for many years, K and R could see that their market share was diminishing before their eyes and that their business was moving from a face-to-face to technological delivery method.


When we met them, they were concerned that the timing was wrong and it was not their plan to retire now, as they both felt that they had a few years of work that they wanted to complete, before retiring.


Left with no choice but to consider either another career path or to retire, by carefully identifying and analysing their full circumstances and resources, we were able to demonstrate that they could afford to wind up their business, pay off their liabilities and retire fully, starting a new and exciting chapter in their lives.


This advice allowed them to wind-up their business efficiently, and spend these precious years with their grandchildren, improving their property to the standard they had always promised themselves, enjoying a very comfortable lifestyle and treating themselves to regular holidays that they never had the time to go on before.


Their plan is such that they will never outlive their money.

Get in touch

To begin your planning journey, please get in touch using the contact form below or call us on 01626 305318 to speak with a member of our team.